Archive for December 2013

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Beberapa tips yang Neko amalkan untuk menjaga performance lappy agak tidak menjadi kura-kura bila nk buat kerja...

Most Important : Startup Item!

Ni la perkara paling lahabau bila Neko check lappy especially lappy perempuan, haizzz ikot suka hati je install software lah, game lah lpas tu tak tengok ape yang perlu di-untick seperti "Load at startup" semasa installation mana2 software... Ini akan menyebabkan software tersebut secara automatik start ketika lappy sedang load window. Jadi, software2 ni perlu di-disablekan ketika startup... Hanya software2 yang perlu sahaja dibiarkan startup seperti biasa ketika boot seperti software anti virus... Ape yang korang perlu buat ialah click start button dan search "msconfig" dalam search box tu... kemudian satu tetingkap akan keluar dan korang click kat "startup" tab... camni:

Kat situ korang diable lah ape yang tak perlu automatik startup, click apply dan ok... Done! lappy korang akan load windows lebih laju daripada biasa...

Desktop item

Yang ni jugak satu lagi polong yang akan slowkan performance lappy... Jangan ler simpan barang-barang sampai penuh desktop tu... Dan kebiasaannye lappy perempuan jugak, nak senang depa pkai save je ape2 benda kat desktop tu macam lagu, gambar, video lah dan mcm2 lagi antu pontianak yang ade... Kalau boleh groupkan semua file-file tu letakkan dalam satu folder dan folder itu save kan dalam partition yang lain contohnye drive D: dan create shortcut kepada folder tersebut pada desktop untuk senang diakses... Kadang2 geng2 ni tak pernah tahu kewujudan secondary drive tu untuk ape... Gunalah secondary drive tu untuk simpan barang2 personal supaya tidak mengganggu primary drive... ok? Nah tengok desktop contoh:

Ni desktop Neko sebenarnye...

Size RAM

RAM ialah singkatan kepada Random Access Memory... Fungsi nakharom ni ialah untuk hold data sementara processor memproses data... Ape yang perlu korang lakukan ialah upgrade capacity RAM ni kepada lebih besar, paling komang pon sekarang 4GB (GB=Giga Byte) untuk support window yang semakin nakharom berat macam windows 64bit architechture yang makan 1.5GB semasa idle... Cam Neko pnye RAM 8+2= 10GB capacity dan Neko sangat happy bukak game sambil bukak beberapa software lain dalam satu masa... Dalam lappy biasa ade 2 slot RAM dan stock RAM vendor bagi biasa 2~4GB... Jadi klo korang nak upgrade, beli yang besar terus macam 8GB yang berharga lebih kurang RM140~160 bergantung kepada jenama RAM tersebut... Dan Neko recommend 8+8=16GB walaupun korang bukan heavy gamer sebab ape? sebab teknologi makin maju dan bila korang upgrade full terus, tak payah la lain kali nk upgrade lagi... Kan? Bila korang dah upgrade jadi la ringan sikit... 

Penggunaan Anti-Virus

Terdapat beberapa brand anti virus yang bagus tapi, ade tapi menapinye! Klo korang  rasa lappy korang kongsi2 cocok2 thumb drive, ade file2 penting, tolong la install anti-virus yang berbayar... Nak murah beli yang 3 user 1 year license pastu kongsi 3 orang... Kelebihan dia korang akan dapat virus database yang latest dan cepat... So virus2 baru yang masuk cepat dia detect... Klo korang ni jenis kemud xnak bagi org cocok2 thumb drive, stock main game je lappy tu... cukup la dengan anti-virus yang free seperti AVG or Avira... Setakat ni Neko pkai Avira memang terbaik... Dan kalau korang kedekut tahap gaban lagi lappy memang xde internet... xyah pkai anti virus lagi best... lagi laju lappy... Smooth je... Tapi korang kne ade pengetahuan la sikit cmne nak jaga tanpa anti-virus... Klo faham cmne nak cri virus manually xpe...


Ni salah satu masalah performance lappy berkurang... Penyebab? Main game tak pakai cooler pad, main lappy kat atas tilam or mana2 tempat yang menyebab kan air ventilation or saluran udara tersumbat! Lappy akan jadi panas dan kadang2 boleh meletop! boom!  haha! So, main la lappy korang di tempat2 yang rata seperti atas meja dan kalau boleh gunakan cooler pad... baru RM10 kat kedai komputer

Neko pkai yang cmni jer...

Ni lah beberapa tips yang Neko amalkan dan lappy Neko model Acer V3-471G yang dah berusia hampir 2 tahun ni sihat walafiat, dan lappy abah kt rumah tu panjang umur lagi sbb dengar nasihat ni haha! :D
Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Why guys who play DOTA make the best life partners?

(Disclaimer:Bukan Neko yang tulis semua ni... Just petik dari fb post yang berbahasa Mandarin dan meng-Google Translate-kan...

Single-hearted devotion: He is willing to invest a lot of time and effort in pursuing the hobby he loves. In the future, he will be a successful career-minded professional who puts his heart and soul into what he does. Besides, a devoted man is an attractive man. The next time he is concentrating on a DOTA game, take a good look at him, and you may find him attractive in ways you never did notice before.

Indomitable spirit: Every DOTA-er starts from being a newb. Every DOTA player inevitably goes through the long and painful process of feeding and farming only a Boots of Speed and 2 Wraith Bands (not bracers coz too expensive) at 30mins. If he doesn’t have a never-say-die-attitude, he would have given up long ago. So, every DOTA player possess strong will and fighting spirit. And such a man, is of course, more reliable and can be depended upon.

Gentlemanly: A DOTA player is gentlemanly. Even when he gets thrashed badly, he will still say GG (good game) to the opponent at the end of the game. At the most, just try again another day.

Extraordinary patience: DOTA cultivates patience. The opponent might be owning 10 minutes into the game, but a good DOTA player will persevere on and wait patiently for a chance to turn the tables. He will hang on tightly and continue to farm, gank (and sometimes KS if given the opportunity), until he gets the chance to wipe out the opponent team and make the winning push. Similarly in life, you can be sure that he will not PP (pull plug) but will hold your hand and endure the hardships together.

Extremely durable punchbag: Every DOTA-er would surely have been at the mercy of imba magic spells before, those that would make anyone pee in their pants, like Reverse Polarity+ Black hole, a Lion+Lina lane etc, or a Blink+Echo Slam when you are Broodmother pushing with a thousand spiderlings around you. So you can be sure that he makes a good punchbag when you need one, especially on those bad days.

Attentive and sensitive: A good DOTA player an observant one. One of the basic skills of DOTA is to be observant of your surroundings, of every move your opponent makes or is planning to make. Therefore, when he is spending time with you, he will be very sensitive to your feelings. Every frown or smile will not pass by unnoticed. He will lend a listening ear when you are troubled, his shoulder will be there when you need to cry (or are just feeling tired). He will offer words of comfort when you are feeling down. Can you find anyone better?

Lightning reflexes: Another basic requirement of DOTA is to have fast reflexes. Slowpokes are doomed to die in DOTA, because by the time you find the hotkey for Voodoo, you would have been killed by Invoker’s Tornado+Chaos Meteor, possibly followed up by Cold Snap. You don’t need to be as agile as Jet Li to get by in life, but there is no harm in having a partner who can react quickly to real-life situations.

IT-savvy: A DOTA player is more knowledgeable about computers and the net than the average guy. Any DOTA player would be able to talk, at some length, about graphic cards, CPU, mice, keyboards, bandwidth speeds etc. In this day and age, it can be embarassing if your partner is computer-illiterate. With a DOTA player as a spouse, you can be sure that all your kids will grow up to be tech-savvy, capable individuals.

Remarkable mental strength: Constant psychological pressure during DOTA is a norm. You never know when a Nerubian Assasin will pop out from nowhere, annihilating you within seconds. You can never be sure if a Pudge+CM is lying in wait at the secret shop. Hence, you can be assured that the DOTA player will not crumble easily in the face of real-life pressures, because he is so accustomed to handling such circumstances and the hours of DOTA has increased his mental endurance.

Effective planner: If you fail to plan in DOTA, you plan to fail. Rush headlong into a teamfight without planning and you will be waiting for respawn next. A good DOTA player is adept at planning, calculating risks and making judgements. To initiate a gank or not, how to position your character is but some of the many decisions you have to make throughout the game. Thus, the pro DOTA player is a careful and meticulous one. He will plan a party on your birthday, and plan a surprise for your anniversary.

Reliable breadwinner: Money makes the world go round. Farming for gold is of utmost importance in DOTA. Without items, your imba skills at micro/macro management cannot guarantee victory. The long and arduous process of farming for gold (especially reaching that elusive 3800 for a Relic) requires a lot of skill and technique. Hence, rest assured that a pro DOTA-er will always bring home the bacon, and lots of it. The husband earns for you to spend. What more can you ask for?
Faithful partner: DOTA players are loyal lovers. They are able to resist the flaming hot Lina or that sexy Rylai, and mercilessly send them back to where they came from (fountain), despite their charming looks. DOTA players will not be tempted so easily.

Team and community spirit: -Good- DOTA players are self-sacrificing. They always put themselves before others. They have good teamwork, and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They don’t mind letting the team’s main DPS hero get the kill. This kind of person is not self-centred, and will place the family or society above self.

Not all DOTA players may display all the points listed above, but that’s only because you haven’t discovered these attributes yet. Look a little harder, and give yourselves a little more time. You will not regret it. Leave a comment if you want! :D

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